Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Novel that made mata aqu berhabuk

Novel ? Cinta ? HAHA. U guys really didnt expect me to read novel jiwang right ? hee. Well,frankly speaking,i dont like that such novels. I like novel yg thriller,mystery,suspen,actions and hantu2 pnya ja. First novel aqu baca di tmpt krja,entitled, Aku,Dia dan Coklat. Sounds interesting to me. Plus,cover dya mmg looks yummy. LOL. So,when i started to read,waaa~ terbayang coklat Cadbury liaoo. Haiyaaaa. Buku tuh aqu habiskan in two days only. Selain buku tuh,got another two novels about love story. Mmg aqu lgsung xsentuh. Not interested laa. But,this morning,aqu start baca novel bertajuk Andai Itu Takdirnya.

How can i read that novel ? Its a funny story. This morning aqu btl2 ngantuk. So,aqu cari la apa2 buku tuk cover aqu tdo [ trip baca novel but,actually tdo. U get it right ? ] . I asked from kaka memey and she gave me that book laa. Aqu buka la random page and put it on my lap. So,when i look down,people will assume that i am reading,tp,actually TIDUR. Tulaa motif yg sbnrnya. HAHA.But,bila aqu saja2 tgk page yg aqu buka tuh,something caught my attention. So,aqu baca la smpai the next chapter. And i tell u laa,that book really interesting !  I read from the first chapter [mw tw dari awl crita dya] unti chapter 31 [lw xslh ] buku tuh ada 58 chapter suma and has 583 pages. Thick as hell yaww~ That novel really2 touching and bwt mata aqu 'masuk habuk' ja sepanjang masa. Just imagine when customer ada,pndai2 la cover. Hoho. Buku tuh aqu tgglkan d tmpt kja . Tomoro mw smbung lg. For me,after aqu baca novel,every single novel,i fell like i just watched a movie. Yeah. Tulaa org yg kuat berimaginasi cam aqu. HAHA XD  

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