Friday, June 10, 2011


WHY WHY and WHY i have to be your roommate ???!
U borrow our things like u own them.
Streka si _____ qw pinjam,then,kain qw hangus. The melting kain melekat di strekanya. Till now she didnt use that iron anymore.
Then,qw pinjam laptop aqu and broadband si _______ main FB berjam2.
Helloo,broadband bayar bill okay? Bukan bayar pakai batu ,pakai DUIT.
Suma laa qw mw pinjam.
I dont mind to lend you,but,at least,in proper way,cannot meh ?
Then,each time qw bertelefon,aqu rasa,qw tia payah pakai speaker,everyone can hear your fcuking LOUD,CLEAR and ANNOYING voices.
Ketawa mcm mw pecah dinding.
Can u respect others ?
Yeahhh,we act like nothing because we dont want u kecil hati.
Lama2,aqu ney yg p sound qw ouhhh.
Grrr =.=

LIfe in Labuan Matriculation college [PART 2]

So,sambung PART 2 dari PART 1 .

Im in room B G.8 [Block B,Ground floor , Room no. 8 ]
The room was okay laa.
But,dusty berabish at first.
Dkt jaa ngn tandas. Senang ckit laa manatw ada KUMBAHAN yg masih bersisa di usus. HAHA.

My bed. POOH ^^

Study table :)

1st outing,okay. 2nd outing,cam shialll dowhh.
Outing outfit lw dpt seskema yg mungkin.
And the securities were sooo damn rude. 
Cant meh tegur in a polite way? Mw jua guna bahasa yg MEMANASKAN telinga ka?
Patut laa jadi security. =.=
3rd outing,which is today,okay laa.
Now if mw stay over d umh,have to isi online form like 3 days before u go out =.=
Then,u have to check it again to know whether kena approve or not.
So,this week,kena approve aqu.
Ney pn balek coz mumy suh [mumy just came back from Seremban for her cuti semester. Dya sambung belajar sana which will end this July.]
If not,i just go back home and go back to college before 6pm. Huhu.

Sory,teda picts of them. But,yeahhh. They are fun i tell you :)
And to be honest , out of all 4 of us,im the LAZIEST one. HAHA.

Each Wednesday kami ada KoK.
And our class kena Softball.
Last time i played Softball when i was in Form 2. HAHA.
But then,main,lama2 okay laa. Hehe ^^
And lecture for KoK pn sporting this.

Bha,thats all. Dont know what to type lagi. Hehe ^^

LIfe in Labuan Matriculation college [PART 1]

Its been 2 weeks + since my 1st day in this college. The next week after orientation week,kuliah start.
Course yg kena tawarkan,Modul 1 which is Biology,Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics.
Im a PST [Program Satu Tahun] student.
Which means i have to struggle more.
Arghhhh =.=

This is my SCHEDULE.Bley tahan laa. Start 730am and end at 430pm. Break twice,one hour each.
Chemistry a bit faster at the beginning.
But then,i can catch up.
Yg paling spoiled nya,PHYSICS.
The lecture is soo bored ouhh.The lecturer yg cam blurr2 neyh.
Kami apa lg, lg laa bored.
Till nw,each time Physics lecture,aqu tdo.
Hehe ^^
Harap time tutorial ja this mw fam. HUhu.

2nd,kami paling tia suka PRAKTIKUM. Any praktikum.
y ?
coz mw bwt LAB REPORT.
Kin pns especially part discussion.
What even they want ahh ? I never get what its point the discussion part even exist since my secondary school.
Paling2 pn,copy from reference book jaa. Hehe ^^
Di college teda ouhh. All by ourselves. Well,that's college right ? =.=

Then,the TOILETS.
That day,3 days teda air. Luckily,ground floor ada spare air.
Mengangkut air laa qu p toilets.
Tia sanggup mandi di luar. Huhu.
Then,toilets at ground floor teda lampu.
Few days after our first day[1st day memang gelap laa] there,ada.
Nahh,after few days,teda sua.
But,nvm. Kami besa sua mandi b'gelap. Pro sua neyh. LOL.

Here,u have to have a veryyyy good stamina to run from ur lecture hall to the cafetaria. LOL
Coz,if kmo lmbt,nahh~ barisan ke-50 laa jwpnya.
Just imagine laa,we have 3 cafetaria [2 for the girls block and 1 for the boys' ].the students are like 2000+ and most of the boys will eat at our cafe [maybe lbeyh sedap. HAHA.].
So,mmg mw rush laa. Hee.
At night,sometimes the food habis.Aigooo.
Mkn megy laa jwpnya. LOL.
